Monday, March 26, 2012

A Brief Memoir of Syracuse University

My Personal Experiences at Syracuse University

Upon graduating from Pittsford Mendon High School class of 2007, I was more than eager enough to go and attend the college that I had selected amongst the several that I was admitted upon graduating High School. Yet with 4 years of college flying by at a quick rate, I must say that time goes by fast. I still vividly remember the first rainy day when my parents drove me to Sadler Hall in late August of 2007. The traffic was great in numbers rendering a delay in arriving at our destination. The first year of college at Syracuse University was fun and exciting especially when I got to meet many new people amongst the campus and thus was a less stressful environment than many other ones amongst. Right nearby my dorm building Sadler Hall and Lawrinson lied the small environmental forest college of SUNY ESF. Founded nearly a hundred years ago in 1911, SUNY ESF was one of the smallest college campuses I had ever observed. Situated in an area traditionally known as “The Hill”, I occasionally perceived SUNY ESF as a satellite orbit of Syracuse University and more of a "moon rotating around the Earth" scenairo. I found the F. Franklin Moon Library to be intriguing and long in size when ventured on inside for the first time as a Junior. Even more interesting were the times when I would see students playing Humans vs Zombies out nearby the college. In all I have asserted that SUNY ESF (Environmental Science and Forestry) is an ideal college for those who are looking for a career in environmental science or that of conservation biology and ecology. I would therefore give SUNY ESF a rating of 5 out of 10 points.

Shifting focus back to Syracuse University, I found the campus to be somewhat small, ambivalent, peculiar, and at times quiet and dull. The Colleges were average and were nothing more interesting than a state university. I often would place Syracuse University more comparable to that of Penn State or Michigan State whatever you prefer. If you’re a student who’s interested in majoring in math, science, or engineering, I’d say Syracuse is probably not the best option for you. From my limited knowledge, the departments in the sciences, engineering, and mathematics are mediocre and nothing else. I would personally recommend Syracuse University for those who are more interested in majoring in the social sciences including but not limited to:
Psychology, Public Policy, Journalism, Business Management/Administration, Magazine Journalism, Television/Radio/Film, Marketing, Advertising, Broadcast/Digital Journalism, Graphic Design, Public Relations, Political Science (Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs), Finance, Economics, International Relations, Anthropology, Human Geography, Architecture, and any other non-math, science, or engineering related major. For those who are passionate about entering a career in management, I will say that the Whitman School of Management is a great option to be placed on a list of potential programs. For those who want a career in the field of engineering, I would rather suggest studying at a tech related institution such as RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology), Georgia Tech, MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Caltech, Michigan Tech University, etc.

Other than academics, the amount of students at the University is at least 20,000. Besides having a successful NCAA Basketball Team and being synonymous with the sport, Syracuse has a strong social scene. Behind the main campus site lies the neighborhood of apartment buildings where students either reside or are out on weekend nights partying and drinking at fraternity homes. I would on average go out and party with several of my friends no more than five times a semester. I came to discover that the fraternity homes were unclean and not a pleasant experience at all.

In conclusion, I would give Syracuse University an overall rating of 6 out of 10 points. If I was asked the question of whether or not I would attend Syracuse University again if I had to, I’d answer with a resounding no. If I could have, I would have attended a far better college in New York state or even out of state such as the University of Rochester, Cornell University, or even Ohio State University. In terms of academics, both the University of Rochester and Cornell University outrank Syracuse in many fields especially mathematics, science, and engineering. Ohio State University on the other hand would have a far greater social scene as I expect especially since the number of students who attend outnumber the amount at Syracuse University. If any of the majors I mentioned interest you, Syracuse would definitely be a great choice. Otherwise pick a different college or university to study at.

Yours Truly,

Faraz Mamaghani

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